28 feb 2009

Mental impact

AS time goes by and I "accumulate" days of training things clear up in my head...
Just some days before I just listened a so true phrase "Whatever is in you mind will certainly affect your physical reality" and this is absolutely true...

I've found some progress in lots of things including strenght, but unfortunately a couple of tecnhiques were showing some regression instead of some progression. I was just trying to connect this two concepts in my head and I just realised I was feeling much more confident regarding my body and when ecountering new challenges. So what was happening? I was training my body and I was really having an improvement in my general body strenght...

After some hours (well days) of thinking about this, an idea just came to me... I was focused on this techniques but completely inside my head, regarding my body I had reached a comfort zone and was just staying there, this seemed to represent no problem but then I realised my body was literally asking me to go out of this comfort zone and stretch to new limits...
when this idea appeared it was really late I had to go to sleep and give my head some chance the next morning, so I woke up the next day as early as possible adn went to school two hours before I was really wanting to give my theory a try.
So there I was, in front of a couple of rails and some walls... I sarted warming up and decided I was onyl going to listen to my body... I just forgot about "routines or special exercises" and started listening to my body.

I managed to make really large precisions and when I felt I was reaching a distance that needed much effort I stopped and wonderfully did 50 clean and silent repetitions there....

So what this come for?? I've been observing and many people tend to find comfort zones, I mean we all have certain movements wich are kind of natural for our body and with which we feel absolutely confortable... or we reach some level in which we feel satisfied and we are nicely placed in this area... it might be good for some time but if we stay there for too long it might start having nasty consequences... the cure??

Make a mental impact,a positive one,focused and affect your physical reality with that focused mind

1 comentario:

Elektra dijo...

Que onditas Ixek
me late tu manera de pensar y redactar aki en tu blog (aunke este en ingles)
y bueno a hacerle publicidad a tu blog...